Precast concrete-composite modules.

As a precursor, we have introduced an innovative casting technology for prefabricated concrete-composite modules of automatic public toilets. All toilet models are made entirely of cast concrete and composite, including the roof, walls and floor, which creates a vandal-resistant ecological module.

Our technology increases the durability and resistance of the facility to deformations, cracks and structural leaks, ensuring complete resistance to moisture, especially with the automatic cleaning and disinfection function. Chemical, biological and refractory resistance are also increased. A toilet can be flooded up to a meter high and will not fail or be permanently damaged.

The use of the above-mentioned technology allows the object to be placed on the ground without pouring foundations, i.e. not permanently attached to the ground, which can be moved to another place at any time.

We provide over 35 years of warranty for the durability and tightness of the entire toilet module, regardless of the prevailing weather conditions.


Toilet adapted for people with disabilities

 All automatic toilets manufactured by Ecogigant meet the highest standards of adaptation to use by people with disabilities. Many years of cooperation with non-governmental organizations from the sector of supporting people with disabilities has enabled the acquisition of knowledge and experience that allows us to create procedures that meet the expectations and needs of people with disabilities.

An automatic city toilet provides comfort for people with disabilities thanks to the installation of a 90 cm wide door, free manoeuvring space inside the room, folding handrails made of acid-resistant stainless steel, protected against theft, an automatic washbasin module with a recess adapted for wheelchair users, the location of buttons and devices at heights suitable for wheelchair users, the use of Braille plates and audio instructions for the visually impaired.


Price of an automatic city toilet

In the production of a public toilet, many factors that make up the final price of the product are important. It depends on the choice of a given toilet model (single, double or multistation), the materials used for external finishing as well as the individual configuration of automation equipment, i.e. washing, disinfection and drying system, mobile payment system, door automation.


Dimensions of the automatic city toilet

The dimensions of the manufactured city toilets are determined by the choice of a given model:
– Round toilet 2.45m x 2.82m
– Oval Toilet 3.60m x 2.45m x 2.82m
– Rectangular Toilet 3.30m x 2.20m x 2.82m
– Single, double or multistation toilet

The unchanging size of the toilet is its height inside public rooms, which is 2.50 m.